Decline iPhone Phone Calls With a Message

You can do more than simply decline a phone call with no explanation on your iPhone. With only one more tap on your screen, you can decline and send a message to the caller to let them know why. You can edit three presets for this message, or type a custom one. You can also decline a call and set a reminder to call the person back later on.

Comments: 13 Responses to “Decline iPhone Phone Calls With a Message”

    7 years ago

    Gary, would this be an appropriate way to refuse to reply to "No Caller ID" calls?
    Usually, these are just nuisance calls in my experience.
    e.g. "Please identify caller before I answer"

    Dale Maddock
    7 years ago

    Is there a way to generate different messages based upon groups of persons, such as family members versus vendors or others? Or no response to unknown numbers?

    7 years ago

    Robin: In my opinion, no. Just decline them. There is no "person" on the other end that cares what you text back to them. In fact, it is doubtful that those numbers accept text messages at all. And if they do, they often use fake caller ID, so you would be texting back someone who has nothing to do with them.

    7 years ago

    Dale: No, but with three slots, you could probably come up with three messages that cover most of what you need. If you get more call volume than that, you probably have a pro telephone solution anyway. See my response to Robin above about "unknown callers."

    Joseph Sandusky
    7 years ago

    What if I am not on the phone or have it open and it only shows "Slide Here to Answer"?

    J Vossos
    7 years ago

    I find this a useful bit of information I hate taking calls anytime, but this provides a respectful 'out' when it rings.

    7 years ago

    I made this custom response: “if you know me, text me”. 99% of time the call comes from a landline and I know it’s a robo call. I then go to recents and block that number.

    7 years ago

    Joseph: If you are on another call, you get the same options on the screen. If you are not seeing the ability to send a message, look closely. I suppose if you are using an other iOS, or the caller is on a non-text line, maybe you don't see it. But I definitely see that option in that case.

    Claus D
    7 years ago

    Very useful tip, which i use almost every day.

    7 years ago

    Donald- how do you create a custom text response to use for incoming calls?


    7 years ago

    PatC: That is what I am showing in the video.

    7 years ago

    Never mind. I figured it out. Thanks for the info.


    Dally Messenger
    7 years ago

    Brilliant and useful Gary. Had no idea this existed. Never looked at the screen properly, I suppose. You have the gift of understanding that a lot of people do not know the simplest things until pointed out by someone like yourself. Much thanks.

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