Easier Ways To Open File With

The Open With command makes it possible to open a file with something other than the default app. But if you commonly need to do this with a specific app there are three ways to make it much easier to open the file with that app instead of the default. You could just drag it to the Dock icon for the app, add the app icon to the Finder toolbar, or create a keyboard shortcut.

Comments: 21 Responses to “Easier Ways To Open File With”

    Douglas Brace
    6 years ago

    Related to the keyboard shortcut that you created for Pixelmator, isn't "command + I" already used for the "Get Info" command?

    6 years ago

    Douglas: Yes. This is just an example. Use what you want for the shortcode. I chose Command+i because it was next to Command+o. But use Command+Option+Shift+F7 or whatever you like.

    6 years ago

    Love it love love it - such a great time saver for the future

    6 years ago

    30+ years I've used Macs and never knew this. Great info! BTW, when customizing the Finder menu by adding an app, the full name of the app appears (if you are set to text or icon+text). E.g.: "Adobe Photoshop Elements Editor." That text takes lots of space. So I created an alias to the app, renamed it "PSE" and added that to menu. Drop a file on "PSE" and it opens in Photoshop Elements. With 2-4 character aliases, I can have several apps (really aliases) visible, even on my MBP 13"

    Lauren Eisen
    6 years ago

    once again, a great and useful tip. i never knew you could put apps in the menu bar. i will def be using that. every single time i watch your videos, even if i think i know the topic, i learn something. thank you gary!

    Lauren Eisen
    6 years ago

    ok, so i'm in finder>customize toolbar (icons are shaking) and application window is open but it won't let me drag any app onto the menu bar. what am i doing wrong here?

    6 years ago

    Lauren: You don't put them in the menu bar, but the window's toolbar. Watch me do it in the video.

    6 years ago

    What impressed me most was your ability to find Pixelmator so fast in icon view! :)

    Lauren Eisen
    6 years ago

    got it! i didn't have a separate finder window open for the apps. thank you!

    Douglas Brace
    6 years ago

    Gary, I brought up the predefined "command + I" keyboard shortcut because, while possible, it might not be a good idea to create a keyboard shortcut that overrides another keyboard shortcut that already exists.

    Ari-Pekka ViirtelÀ
    6 years ago

    Does not work with Adobe Photoshop Elements 2019 in my macmini. No problems with any other app. Why not??

    6 years ago

    Ari-Pekka: Which method doesn't work with Photoshop Elements 2019? Do the other methods work? How about the regular Open With command?

    6 years ago

    "app icon to the Finder toolbar" doesn't work, Open With command works.

    6 years ago

    Ari-Pekka: Could be something specific to PE. I have regular Photoshop (CC 2019) and it works. Have you tried it with other apps, like Preview? Are you using the latest version of macOS?

    6 years ago

    As i said "No problems with any other app.". Version of macOS is 10.14.1
    And sorry my bad english (from Finland :)

    6 years ago

    Ari-Pekka: Must be an issue with PE then.

    6 years ago

    Hi Gary! whenever I start a new session on my iMac, I have to go and click "Open With" first...after that my shortcut works. I am using Ctrl P as a shortcut.

    6 years ago

    Robert: What do you mean by "new session?" It makes sense that after a restart or something like it that you'd need to use Open With maybe once to populate the menu with options, before the shortcut would work.

    6 years ago

    Hi Gary...me again.
    Now, testing it again it works only a couple of times after I have "Opened With". after that the shortcut doesn't work and I have to do "Open With" again.

    6 years ago

    Robert: Not sure why it isn't working well for you, sorry.

    6 years ago

    Thanks anyway, Gary! I'll use the drag n drop icon in Finder.

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