MacMost Now 765: Facebook Sharing With iOS 6

While Facebook sharing has always been available on the iPhone using the Facebook app, you can now share photos and updates directly from several Apple apps. So now you can take a picture with the Camera app and upload to Facebook directly.

Comments: 16 Responses to “MacMost Now 765: Facebook Sharing With iOS 6”

    12 years ago

    My issue with the contacts update is that I get duplicate contacts and also contacts from Facebook that I really do not want in my contacts list. Is there no way of editing the number of contacts?

      12 years ago

      Duplicate contacts usually come from when you have the same contact in multiple accounts (iCloud and also Gmail, for example). Some people are syncing contacts from their Mac or PC, and also syncing via iCloud and so get some contacts twice. I haven't seen whether this happens via Facebook, but I guess it could.

        12 years ago

        You can switch it off under settings>Facebook> contacts to off

    12 years ago

    Great video Gary, very helpful, but have one question about leaving me signed into Facebook and Twitter on my iPad. Does it have any effect on the battery life.

      12 years ago

      Not that I can think of -- I don't see any relation between storing your FB and Twitter info on your device and battery life.

    12 years ago

    im so please that Facebook is integrated now. match made in heaven, although a picture icon to attach pictures would of been good here.

    Dillan Oliver Lawrence
    12 years ago

    Surely some of the IOS6 features such as FB could have been released for the original iPad. I am disappointed that we have been left out. It looks like apple are trying to make the original ipad obsolete. What are your thoughts, maybe Apple will release a subset of the IOS6 as an update to version 5????

      12 years ago

      I doubt we'll see an update to iOS 5 that does this. Apple (and other companies) just don't do that. Only bug fixes and security issues get addressed in old operating systems. New features aren't added.

    12 years ago

    I actually don't think you're right about tagging people via the lower-right-hand People icon. That's the audience you're posting to, not a tagging utility, as far as I can tell. And tapping on the photo only allows you to choose an album (who needs that?). Can you really not tag people directly from the camera/upload-to-FB option? This seems like a huge deficit. I had to go back into the FB app. Not pleased. Hope I'm wrong...Gary?

      12 years ago

      I don't use FB or tagging enough to know for sure. But it makes sense that there will always be some advanced functionality that you'd need to go to the FB app for.

    12 years ago

    Thanks for the reply. I guess I don't think of tagging photos as "advanced" in any way...sigh...

    12 years ago

    Since I updated my iPhone 4S I can't create albums on Facebook from my phone or add photos into any album other then the mobile uploads album, the little plus sign that used to be in the corner is gone! How do I get it back?

      12 years ago

      You'll need to be more specific. Are you in the Facebook app? The Photos app? Have you set your Facebook account in the Settings app?

    12 years ago

    The video is wrong about tagging. The part that says "Friends" on the bottom right isn't for tagging, it's to choose the audience in case you want to limit who can view it.

    12 years ago

    Thanks for the video. I am trying to find if I can share a web page to a specific facebook page. I have multiple facebook pages. Can I pick which facebook page to post to?

      12 years ago

      Unfortunately this kind of sharing is all about your personal Facebook account, not a company or group "page." The best way is to simply use the Facebook web interface and copy and paste the url into a post. That's what I do almost every day with MacMost. Only takes a few seconds.

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