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Can I Get Subtotals On Numbers Smart Categories To Update When I Apply a Filter?

Can I get subtotals on Numbers Smart Categories to update when I apply a filter?

I can apply Smart Categories, I can add subtotals and I can filter the data in my table.

However, the subtotal does not seem to update when I change a filter.

What am I missing?

Thank you for your help.

Comments: 2 Responses to “Can I Get Subtotals On Numbers Smart Categories To Update When I Apply a Filter?”

    6 years ago

    So you are using Smart Categories AND Filters?

    Filters just filter out what you see on the screen. They do not change calculations. So if you set a filter to filter out 3 rows, for instance, then those three rows are not visible, but are still used to calculate things like column sums or averages.

    It sounds like what you want is a more complex formula if you want to calculate totals based on multiple criteria. SUMIFS and such. Or, use more complex Smart Categories.

    6 years ago


    Thank you. This is disappointing. I’m a keen pivot table user and recently I’ve seen many headlines mentioning Pivot Tables with and Smart Categories so rather assumed filtering which adjusted the subtotals would have been a obvious requirement.

    The frustration I have using SUMIFS and such is that they are not very flexible should the data change.

    Thank you for your help.

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