I want to quickly go through my photos and delete the ones I don’t want. Obviously, I can hit the delete key, then confirm that I want to delete, but I have thousands of images and that feels clunky. Is there a good way to mark the photos for deletion and then bulk delete?
I am trying to clean up a photo library with over 100,000 images.
Bob Boilen
Instead of deleting them, mark each one. Then delete all of the marked ones, or the ones you've accumulated so far.
There are a few ways to mark them. I use "Favorites" for a temporary mark in cases like this. So I go to Favorites and select them all and unfavorite them. I only use Favorites for temporary projects or gathering photos to post online and such. So I clear that out.
Then I use the handy keyboard shortcut to favorite the ones I want to delete. Then after a while I go to Favorites, select all, and delete them.
You could do the same with an album you create, or using a tag. It is just a little easier to mark as a favorite.
You mention there are a few ways to mark photos. Since I already use favorites as a way to, in fact, mark my favorite photos, what other ways could I mark the photos for deletion?
Bob: I mention two: create an album, use a tag.