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How Can I Get the iPhone Weather App for My iPad?

I would like to get the iPhone weather app for my iPad and can’t find it on the iPad app store.

Comments: 5 Responses to “How Can I Get the iPhone Weather App for My iPad?”

    13 years ago

    That basic "Weather" app is an iPhone-only app that comes with the OS, not available in the app store.
    But it is a very basic app anyway. So why not get one of the very many better apps. Most are free?
    See episode 476 for a place to start:

    Andy Suhaka
    13 years ago

    Never mind that, I'm desperate for the oh-so-simple Stocks app. Everything else I've seen is much more complicated.

    Chun lee
    13 years ago

    I never understand why when someone asks how can I... people decide the op doesn't know what they want and offer solutions -with commentary on why the original request isn't the right one. I really like the iPhone stock and weather apps (and have tried many others) and want them on my notification center like my phone and am looking for that solution if it is possible for my iPad. I am not trying to slam anyone - just looking for a solution to my problem-question

    12 years ago

    I agree if it is good enough to put on the iPhone why won't Apple put it up on the iPad?

      Jan Mason
      12 years ago

      I would like to know too

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