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How Do I Create an E-mail Template In

Is there a way of creating an E-mail template on a Mac. I use the which came pre-installed and would like to have the option of opening a custom made E-mail template, each time I write a new email.
Much appreciated,

Comments: 5 Responses to “How Do I Create an E-mail Template In”

    13 years ago

    There is no built-in function to create a template in Mail.
    But there are ways to do what you want.
    For instance, you could put the entire template into an email signature alternative. Then select that signature from the pull-down menu and it populates the message.
    Or, you could compose a message as a template, save it as a draft, and then move that to a custom "saved drafts" folder that you create. Then choose it and use "Send Again" to start a new message using that draft as a template.
    Or, you could save templates in TextEdit documents and simply copy and paste into messages.

      Shirley Allan
      13 years ago

      What is the Save as Stationary for. Shouldn't he be able to use that as a template?

        13 years ago

        Ooo. I forgot about that. Yes, that would jump to the top of the list of options. Thanks Shirley.

    Andy Suhaka
    13 years ago

    And don't forget Jumsoft as the purveyor of email templates. I did find that my newsletter readers on PCs, didn't "see" the Jumsoft templates.

      12 years ago

      No way to save the jumsoft templates... unless you save a draft... which is kinda a pain... still looking for a better way than html...ugh

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