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How Do I Get an Object In Keynote To Do 2 Animations Simultaneously?

In Keynote, I want an object to enter the screen while rotating. So build 1 is Move In, and build 2 is Rotate. But I can’t get build 2 to start with Build 1, only on click or after. Thanks for any help.

I’m not sure what to add. I can’t seem to get an object to do 2 animations simultaneously.

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Get an Object In Keynote To Do 2 Animations Simultaneously?”

    12 months ago

    "Move In" is a "Build In" animation. You can only have one "Build In" animation and it has to happen first, since that is what "Build In" is for.

    If you want something to move and rotate at the same time, you need to add two "Action" animations. So remove the "Build In" animation. Then go to the Action tab under Animation. Add a "Move" animation. Then look below and you'll see an "Add Action" button. Click that and add a "Rotate" animation.

    Now in the Build Order, set the second one to start "With Build 1." Now both the Move and Rotate will happen at the same time.

    See which is an older video but I'm using Action animations and I even think I move and rotate an object at some point in that.

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