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How Do I Identify Photos That Are NOT In Albums?

I’m learning how to use a recently purchased MacBook Air M1 and have a question about photos. I am using albums to organize my photos. How can I identify the photos that are NOT associated with an album?

I am importing photos from an old, no longer used, pc. They are in albums, so, basically, I want to organize my photos. It seams that the best way is to continue with the album method of organizing. I have about 7,000 photos, of which approximately 5,000 and associated with an album. How can I identify the 2,000 photos that are NOT associated with an album?

Comments: 5 Responses to “How Do I Identify Photos That Are NOT In Albums?”

    3 years ago

    Create a new Smart Album. Set the criteria to "Photo" "Album" and "is not" and "Any." This gives you a Smart Album you can access at any time that will show all of the photos that are not assigned to any albums at all.

    And remember when you are organizing your photos into albums that you can assign them to more than one. That's the real power of albums. So a photo of a sunset you took while on vacation in Italy in 2019 can be in an album called "Italy 2019" and also in an album called "Vacation Favorites" and also in an album called "Sunsets."

    3 years ago

    Gary, thanks for the quick response and the detailed answer. That's just what I needed. I'll give it a try.

    3 years ago

    Gary, I just tried your solution where you said set criteria to "Photo" and "is not" and "any". This didn't seem to work. Did you mean to say "ALBUM" and "is not" and "any"?

    3 years ago

    Barry: Yes, sorry, "Album."

    3 years ago

    Gary, no problem. I did try it as "Album" and "is not" and "any" and it worked great. Thanks again for your help and the prompt response.

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