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How Do I Transfer RAW Files From Photos Library To Lightroom Keeping RAW Format?

I have all my photographs in Photos Library most in RAW file format.Now I’d like to transfer some of those RAW files to Adobe Lightroom. Photos Library does not allow this – seems Lightroom does not have permission to MY files in Photos Library due to some permission problems between Apple and Adobe Lightroom. If I drag a photo out of Photos Library or copy and paste it ends up in JPEG format which I do not want. Is there a solution to this problem?
Greta P

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Transfer RAW Files From Photos Library To Lightroom Keeping RAW Format?”

    5 years ago

    I'm not sure of how you'd do this from inside Lightroom, since I don't use Lightroom, but if you are having a problem with permission errors, I would ask in Adobe's discussion groups or contact their support about that.

    Other ways would be to simply export the original from Photos using File, Export, Export Unmodified Original. Dragging it out won't get you the original RAW image.

    You may also be able to select Image, Edit With and choose Lightroom. Have you tried that. It certainly works with Photoshop, so I can't image it not working with Lightroom.

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