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How To Create 90 Day Custom Repeat Interval In Reminders and Calendar on iPad?

How to change or add a Custom Repeat Interval, i.e., every 90 days in the Reminders and/or Calendar?

For vital medications that can not be dispensed sooner than every 90 days.

Comments: 2 Responses to “How To Create 90 Day Custom Repeat Interval In Reminders and Calendar on iPad?”

    3 years ago

    On the iPad in Reminders, select Repeat, then Custom Repeat. Then look for "Every" and set it to Frequency: Daily, and Every: 90 Days. You can also use the "Every 3 Months" setting at the top level if that is more or less the same as 90 days for this use case.

    In Calendar, you can also select Custom in Repeat, Then Frequency: Daily, Every: Day, 90 Days.

    3 years ago

    Figured it out. Frequency, Daily, Custom, Day, Scrolled to 90. It is done manually the same in Calendar.

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