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How To Remove a Tab Symbol In Pages?

There are different stops in the Tab section. The one that is not mentioned is the one with a | and on top of it a square. What is it called and how to delete it?

I want to delete it because it changes the lay-out of my page.The symbol starts a numbered list and when I move the symbol al other text goes with it. So I want to delete it.

Comments: 4 Responses to “How To Remove a Tab Symbol In Pages?”

    2 years ago

    That's the First Line indent, not a tab. You can't delete it because there must always be one. It is the position of the indent for the first line of the paragraph. Usually it is set to the exact same location as the Left Indent (triangle pointing down) unless the first line of the paragraph should be indented (or outdented).

    So maybe just move it so those two are in the same spot. That's the default. Or, you can set them in the Format sidebar, Indents, "First" and "Left" values.

    For others coming here to see the answer to the initial question, you can remove regular tab stops by dragging them down and away from the ruler.

    2 years ago

    Thanks Gary, I think I was unclear . Its not the First Line indent because it only appears when I have a order list. EG. 1 Text. The I have a hard return en automatically appears nummer 2.

    2 years ago

    Philippe: You still have the line with the box above it as the First indent. You can see its value in Format, Layout, Indents. If you are using a bullet list, you also have another box-with-line of a slightly different shape that corresponds to the Format, Style, Bullets & Lists, "Indent" setting. So it still isn't a tab, but a special indent for the indentation of the bullet list. When you use the tab key to create tiers in your list, you'll see multiple ones of these appear as well. You can't drag-to-delete these as they have to be there when you have a tier at that level. Otherwise, Pages doesn't know where to indent the tier. Adjust them as needed, but you need to have them there.

    2 years ago

    Thanks Gary, it is clear to me now. Thanks for your patient.

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