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Is There a Way To Use a Stylus With Pages?

Do you know if there’s a way to use a stylus with iWork Pages on the iPad, or do they only work with apps specifically created for a stylus?

Comments: 4 Responses to “Is There a Way To Use a Stylus With Pages?”

    13 years ago

    In what way do you want to use a stylus? Pages isn't a drawing program, but usually a stylus would be used for drawing.
    There are stylus devices for the iPad that simply alter an alternative to using your finger for touch. They would work with any app -- the iPad simply sees the tip of the stylus as the tip of your finger.
    As for using a stylus as a professional illustrator would, that's not something the iPad does well. The iPad has a touch screen, not a graphics tablet surface. It is meant for the finger to touch an area of the screen, as opposed to a drawing stylus to touch exactly one pixel on the screen.

      13 years ago

      Because the iPad doesn't allow comments, I thought perhaps the stylus would be a workaround.

    Allan Michael
    13 years ago

    Tried a stylus withe Penultimate good,,,,Gary is write :) ...even on r=the fine setting the stylus was just too wide. iPad was meant for the wide tip of our fingers... :(

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