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The Best Way to Use iPhoto with Multiple Users

Hi Gary, Can you advise the best way to set up iPhoto so both my wife and I can add to and view our photos in iPhoto (with seperate logins). Currently, I have the library on a second internal drive,
can there be any issues with permissions? This seemed to work fine before, but not so much now, (after upgrading from a G5 with OS 10.5 to a MacPro with OS 10.6). Thanks.
Joe Walsh

Comments: 7 Responses to “The Best Way to Use iPhoto with Multiple Users”

    14 years ago

    I don't have any good advice here. iPhoto really isn't meant to work with more than one user. I'd imagine you both need to be using exactly the same version of iPhoto, for one thing.
    Are you? If so, then what problems are you still encountering?

      Joe W
      14 years ago

      I should mention, previously this worked on my G5, I'm assuming because the library lived on an external hard drive. Since the MacPro has space for 4 internal drives, the library now lives on an internal drive. It's iPhoto from iLife '11.
      When we set her up, I directed iPhoto to look at my library file instead of creating a new one.

      Here's the issue: All photos were imported on my login. If we import a new batch on her login, an album is created, thumbnails are there for you to preview (when you drag the mouse over the album cover), however, if you attempt to look inside the album the photos are missing. They do show up under the "photos" view (the view that shows you a look at the entire library). However, once you log in as me, those photos are nowhere to be found.

      On the flip side, any photo I import can be viewed on her login. It just gets sketchy when you try to import new photos from her login. I assume this is a permissions issue of some sort.

    14 years ago

    I have done this before. What I would recommend is get an external HD and make sure that HD has "no ownership" in the "get info". Create a new iPhoto library on one of the users accounts and in preference under sharing, "share entire library". Log on with new user and in finder have the second user go to that Hard Drive and double click the "new" iPhoto library and now the new iPhoto library will open for them also. The key is to 1.share library and have the library on a External Drive that has "no ownership". If you would like to keep the library on your local hardrive, than you will have to create the iPhoto library in one of the users public folder.

      Joe W
      14 years ago

      Thanks for the info. Can you apply a "no ownership" status on a secondary internal drive? I'd rather not have my library on the system drive or an external drive.

      I've run into permissions issues before on that secondary internal drive. I've attempted to change permissions for various folders/file to "everyone - read/write", but it never works for me, (I'll do it, switch users and it had no effect). I wonder if there's a global way to apply this to the entire hard drive. Maybe that would solve my iPhoto issue as well.

      That's in interesting point about the sharing preference.

    14 years ago

    Sure you can apply "no ownership" to your drives. Your Mac Pro drives other than your boot drives are no different than "my" external drives. If I were you I would export the entire library from the "old" iPhoto library and reimport to that "new" iphoto library that you put on the "no ownership" drive. This may take sometime depending on your iPhoto library size, but I believe this will fix any possible permissions issues, and archive that "old" iphoto library for awhile just incase, until you feel comfortable that the new library is working for you. Also in iPhoto Preferences "share entire library" too. Good luck!

      Joe W
      14 years ago

      The library already lives where I want it, on a secondary internal drive. Can I just change the permissions? Thanks for all your help!

    14 years ago

    You can try. I was just suggesting to try starting from scratch do alleviate any permission issues

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