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Has Anyone Experienced Problems Upgrading To iOS 12 On iPhone 5S?

I would like to upgrade to iOS 12 on my older iPhone 5S, but have read that in some cases, some problems are experienced. Any comments?

Comments: 2 Responses to “Has Anyone Experienced Problems Upgrading To iOS 12 On iPhone 5S?”

    6 years ago

    I don't have a 5s to give you any firsthand experience. But I do know that with any major OS update, with any system (iPhone, Mac, Windows, Android, etc) you always can find people complaining about problems. First, no software is perfect, including the OS you have installed right now. Second, people complain online when something is wrong or something changes, but no one takes the time to write comments or post questions when everything is working fine or stays the same.

    I always try to keep my devices as up-to-date as they can get and use the latest software in all respects -- from the OS to the apps. This way I get the latest features, compatibility, and most recent security patches.

    6 years ago

    Hi Gary Today I upgraded to iOS 12 on my older iPhone 5S and I am pleased the update went smooth with no glitches. I must admit I did hold my breath and hoped for the best, but alas no problems. Just wanted to past this on.

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