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How Can I Populate Various Cells With the Same Value As a Preselected Cell?

I’m trying to get multiple cells in Numbers to populate with the same value that I populate a ‘master’ cell with.

Then, as that value changes in the real world, I’ll return to my document and change only the ‘master’ cell in order to change that value in each of the pre-selected cells.

I’m using Numbers ’09 version 2.3
On a MacBook Pro with OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6

Thank you!
Andrew SR.

Comments: One Response to “How Can I Populate Various Cells With the Same Value As a Preselected Cell?”

    8 years ago

    It sounds like all you want to do is to have a simple formula that refers to only one cell.

    For instance, if this master cell is B2, and you want it to appear in D9 and F17, you would just put the formula =B2 into each of those. So those two cells reflect the value of whatever is in B2.

    It make it more robust, change the formula so the it preserves column and row references. So click on the "B2" in the formula and check Preserve Row and Preserve Column. Then it looks like =$B$2. Now when you copy and paste this formula, you get =$B$2 no matter where you paste it. The values of row and column won't change relative to the paste position.

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