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How Do I Make a Password Protected 2.5GB File Available Online To a Chosen Group?

I produce musicals for school classrooms. I film their performances and want parents to be able to download a copy of the musical, but keep the file protected from the general public. Schools do not allow general posting of performances unless they have releases for all children, a difficult ask for an entire classroom. The school will allow transmission of a password protected file, however.
Rich Howell

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Make a Password Protected 2.5GB File Available Online To a Chosen Group?”

    8 years ago

    That's a tough one. You can't do it without everyone signing up for some sort of system. They have to sign in to something to authenticate who they are and that they have permission to view it.
    Another problem is that 2.5GB is too big. That's the size of a 2-hour full HD movie. It is better to put the video on a streaming service.
    Maybe a good option for you is something like Vimeo. You can put videos up on it that have a password. But it is a premium service, so I hope you're not looking for something that is free. I'm sure there are others out there too, so look around. But expect to spend a little money if you want a service that hosts your video and provides privacy too.

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