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How to manage images in iPad

How to for iPad:
1. Reduce size of multiple images in a folder.
2. Zip the folder containing these reduced size images.
3. Transfer this zipped file to MobileMe account.

— Sandeep Rathee

Comments: 5 Responses to “How to manage images in iPad”

    15 years ago

    Not sure what you are asking. Which app are you using to handle these images? Photos? If so, then there are no "folders" and no ability to zip or transfer these files.

    Sandeep Rathee
    15 years ago

    Hey Gary,

    I am asking for advice on picking an iPad application which can perform my listed functions.

    In case a single app does not perform all these functions then it could be a combination of multiple apps.

    Sandeep Rathee
    15 years ago

    I am trying to achieve the following:

    # I download pictures from my camera using iPad camera connection kit into iPad's Photo app.
    # I need to transfer these images into a folder. Rename these pictures and reduce there size.
    # then I need to transfer this folder after zipping to my mobile me iDisk for sharing.

    What could be the most efficient way to achieve the above.

      15 years ago

      You really can't. At least not with the Photos app. The camera connection kit method really isn't meant for a system where the photos just live on your iPad. You would transfer them to your computer next, and do the rest on the computer.
      It is possible that someone could make an app that does steps 2 and 3, but I don't know of one. The Photos app definitely doesn't do it.

    Sandeep Rathee
    15 years ago

    Thanks Gary,

    I hope some app will come to rescue me with my requirement.

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