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How to play movies + shows downloaded from itunes in full screen

Hi – I am struggling to play movies and shows i’ve downloaded from itunes store in full screen either on my imac or my apple TV. Tried deleting preference files as i read on one of the forums but doesn’t work. Anyone have a solution? thanks.

Comments: 4 Responses to “How to play movies + shows downloaded from itunes in full screen”

    14 years ago

    To play a movie full screen from iTunes, just choose View, Full Screen from the menu bar. Have you tried that? If so, does it work? If not, what happens instead (error message? something else?)
    Apple TV is always full screen. But you say you are not seeing the movies full screen? What else is on the screen when you are playing the movies?

      14 years ago

      I've tried the obvious full screen mode..basically what i get is the movie playing in the center of the screen (both on my imac or my TV via apple tv) and the right and left hand sides are plain black..any solution?

        14 years ago

        Also, tried playing the download on Quick time and still, get the same result...

        14 years ago

        Oh, well that just sounds like the video is 4:3 ratio and your screen is 16:9. There is nothing on the left and right to show.

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