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imovie11 gets stuck after editing on a project

hi, you are the only one i know who understands those problems. After i put some effects on my project with imovie11, the project stuck, imovie stucks, I had the same problem a couple of months ago and delete the and, and everything was fixed but today i been having the same problem. i was searching for those two..plist and cache folder and cant find them, i searched all over, in library, preference and almost every where, but no sign of them, could you please help me. what can i do now and where do i find this two, so i can delete them and hopefully it gets fixed again.
thank you,

Comments: 7 Responses to “imovie11 gets stuck after editing on a project”

    14 years ago

    Are you looking in the right Library/Preferences folder? Should be in your user Library folder and not your hard drive level Library/Preferences folder. I found mine, but it is called instead. At least I think that is it.
    I use iMovie every day, pretty much, and I don't think I've ever run into this problem.

    13 years ago

    I am just encountered this problem as well. Unfortunately, I have not come across good advice online about this. Why would I have to delete some items in that folder to make this work again? What's the theory behind that?

      13 years ago

      The preferences files holds your application's preferences. You know when you go into the Preferences menu and make changes. Like in iMovie you can select iMovie, Preferences and change something like "Show Advanced Tools." The fact that you select that preference is recorded in that file so the next time you start iMovie it will remember your preference and set things accordingly.
      In addition, other things you select in applications, like window and toolbar configurations are saved there as well.
      If the file gets corrupted it can cause issues. In addition, even if it isn't corrupt you can get out of a jam by deleting the file and starting fresh with all settings at their defaults.

    13 years ago

    I have a corrupt imovie11 project. When adding the final transitions to the end of the project I have somehow corrupted the file and now when I try and change or add anything the addition adds to a specific timeline part of the file every time??

      13 years ago

      Hard to say what might be wrong. Back it up. Then experiment. You may just find it easier to re-create the project. Or, seek the help of an expert that can come and take a look.

    13 years ago

    The project is 1hr 42 in its edited form so wouldn't want to have to go through all that again if I could help it..
    Does deleting the .plist and imovieapp do any harm. I have movd the .plist already and that didn't fix it?

      13 years ago

      Moving the plist and deleting it = same thing. So if that didn't fix it, then at least you tried it.
      How about going to your backup? Use your Time Machine backup to revert the Movies folder to the day just before things went wrong.

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