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Time Machine Slows down computer – Is automation at night possible?

I can’t stand how backups slow down my internet connection. I’d love to program Time Machine to backup after 11 PM at night when we are not using the computer. I realize that this isn’t as safe, but I am willing to sacrifice that. Is this at all possible?
Kevin Durr

Comments: 6 Responses to “Time Machine Slows down computer – Is automation at night possible?”

    14 years ago

    Yes. In the past I've recommend TimeMachineEditor ( There are other programs that do the same thing.

    14 years ago

    This product works great! Just remember to keep it running in the dock. If you close it, it doesn't do it on it's own. Also, be sure to add it to the start up items so that if you do a restart of your computer, it will come back.

    Andrew Morgan
    14 years ago

    I have recently started using Time Machine Editor - backing up to a 1 tb external drive. the first backup went through perfectly at the time I set but any further attempts to back up are telling me that the destination drive is full. I have the standard Time Machine turned off and only TM Editor turned on - I hope someone can help me set this up so that it overwrites previous back ups when the destination drive is full....

      14 years ago

      I doubt this has to do with Time Machine Editor. Try running TM manually from the menu bar. Do you get the same message? Do you get prompted to delete files?
      Is the drive full, BTW? And how much bigger is the drive than the drive you are backup up? Are you trying to use the drive for anything else besides TM?

    14 years ago

    Thanks for featuring my question on the podcast, Gary. I do notice that time machine, for whatever reason, really does slow my machine down. I don't know if it is because I have an older machine or what the problem is. Time machine is just really slow for me. Also, when I do try to stop the backup, it takes a long time for it to finish stopping it. I've now set time machine editor to backup at 11:30 at night and it works perfectly. It's a home computer so I don't care that it doesn't back up every hour.

    Chris Adam
    13 years ago

    I gave up on TME yesterday. It had absolutely no effect. TM on my mac desktop still started up as soon as I stated working, even tho' I had it turned off and had TME set to do backups after midnight. Obviously something else is going on. My only solution to the frustrating mac slowdown (which Apple should fix!) is to switch off the 750 tb drive when I start up.

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