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Where Do I Find My Widgets In Mojave?

I used to swipe to fx a currency converter and weather on a special desktop. It’s gone with the wind on Mojave.
Lars Kjeldsen

Comments: 3 Responses to “Where Do I Find My Widgets In Mojave?”

    6 years ago

    It depends which type of Widget you mean. If you mean the Widgets that appear in the Today section of the Notifications Center, then they haven't changed. Click on the Notifications Center icon at the very top right corner of your screen. Choose Today instead of Notifications at the top, and there are your Widgets, same as before.

    If you mean the old Dashboard Widgets, they are there too. That hasn't changed, but the default has it turned off. So you need to make sure you have them enabled. Go to System Preferences, Mission Control. Look for the Dashboard option. Choose As Space or As Overlay. Look there for the keyboard shortcut too. If you have it set to As Space, then you can also get to them using Control+left arrow since they would be the space to the left of the first space.

    6 years ago

    Thank you Gary Rosenzweig!

    Lars Kjeldsen
    6 years ago

    Enable Dashboard. Ctrl+left arrow. So simple! Thanks Gary.

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