Gallery View In macOS Mojave

The new Gallery View replaces Cover Flow View in macOS Mojave. It is useful for flipping though a folder full of images, PDFs or other document types when you need to find one using a large preview image. There are some customization options for Gallery View.

Comments: 8 Responses to “Gallery View In macOS Mojave”

    Jim Otto
    6 years ago

    Over the years I have followed "MacMost". One thing I like the best is it explains in great detail and never leaves the main point. Secondly, it is easy to follow.

    Thanks you,

    Rivera Carlos
    6 years ago

    Can files be sorted in say date descending while in Gallery view?

    Rivera Carlos
    6 years ago

    Ignore my prior message. Found it

    6 years ago

    Rivera: How did you change the sort order?

    Karen Brown
    6 years ago

    "Always open in Gallery View" doesn't seem to hold on my iMac. Exiting the folder, then going back to it, I still get List view. What is your experience with it? Or is it a bug?

    6 years ago

    Karen: It depends how you are "going back to it" sometimes.

    Karen Brown
    6 years ago

    Nevermind! I know what I was doing. I was simply looking at my pictures folder rather than "opening" the folder that I specified to open in Gallery View. Sorry!

    6 years ago

    This new gallery view in Mojave doesn't allow anymore a fast search of a photo, as we could have in Sierra.
    There are tons of ways to have a preview of a photo. The good thing in Sierra was that it offered a fast preview, by an intermediate icon. Now we have a very slow preview by a big images which at the end is useless to search for a photo.

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