New Apple ID Settings In iOS 10.3

In iOS 10.3 for the iPhone and iPad Apple has changed where you look to view and update your Apple ID, iCloud and related settings. Now there is a large ID category at the very top of Settings that gives you access to everything. You should take time to familiarize yourself with these changes to the Settings app.

Comments: 29 Responses to “New Apple ID Settings In iOS 10.3”

    Tony Lathwell
    8 years ago

    Not happy with Apple ID and iCloud being bundled together showing to much information with out signing in

    8 years ago

    Tony: What do you mean by "too much information without signing in?" You can't access your Settings app at all without unlocking your iPhone. Plus, this really doesn't display anymore information than it did before, it is just in a more logical arrangement.

    Mr. Luigi
    8 years ago

    For a variety of reasons, I find 2 Factor Authorization a hassle, especially because I manage my wife's and daughter's Apple devices in addition to mine. What I have done is use passwords (generated by my password manager, 1Password) for the answers to the 3 security questions. Ex., for "My first dog's name" I use 3afds$-&56xd. In my 1Password vault, I have the passwords for all three family members giving me access to their iCloud accounts any time I need it. What's wrong with this strategy?

    8 years ago

    Luigi: That's as good a strategy as you can get without using two-factor. But without two-factor you are always vulnerable if someone steals the password. For instance, what if one of your family members logs on from a public/friend's machine that is compromised with spyware? Or, what if they enter in their password in a phishing attack (site looks official and asks for their iCloud password). Then with the password, a hacker can get in. But with two-factor they still can't.

    Gary G
    8 years ago

    As I was unable to opt out of 2-factor authorization (the "2" button will not highlight on the ID page) I've learned to use it but I'm not fond of it.

    8 years ago

    re the two-factor auth. I like it however, only having a laptop as my other machine, I have found it a problem. what am I to do to get that auth number if i am no where near my laptop?? other apps give option of using a cel phone.. I have a cel phone but not an iPhone... any suggestions??


    8 years ago

    sue: Use SMS (text messages) then. You can set up a "Trusted Phone Number" with your Apple ID. Then when you get a request for the two-factor code, click the "Didn't get a code" link and you have the option to get a text message sent with a code. Try it.

    8 years ago

    fantasatic !! thanks so very much

    Alison Gifford
    8 years ago

    My iphone 7 and ipad are both on 10S10.2 and it seems there are no updates available. Is IOS 10.3 not yet available in UK?

    8 years ago

    Alison: Should be available worldwide.

    Marj Green
    8 years ago

    With iOS 10.3, how do I change the name of my device?

    Jean H
    8 years ago

    updated to iOS 3 and my settings app is blank

    8 years ago

    Marj: Same place as before (if I remember correctly). Settings, General, About, Name.

    8 years ago

    Jean: Restart. If that doesn't work, then Genius Bar.

    Tom Preston
    8 years ago

    I suggest a lesson on how to use 2 factor authentication and deal with its problems? I found using it a hassle and switched back as I was concerned if I did not have a second devise nearby.

    8 years ago

    Tom: I have a video on that in my free security course.
    Remember, that if you can log on without a second device with you, then so can someone else trying to gain access to your account. You could make the same argument about house keys. Locking your front door makes it hard for you to get in without having your keys with you.

    8 years ago

    Re: 2-factor authentication: In South Africa "sim swap" is becoming an increasingly large problem. Your phone number is swapped to a new sim card, they change your password, log in & transact.

    In this context I think we're going to need something even more clever (a probably more complex for the end-user) to remain secure

    8 years ago

    Gavin: So they can do that without any physical access to your device? If so, then I can see this being a problem with SMS two-factor, but still not with device two-factor like Apple does by default.

    Marylou C
    8 years ago

    When updating to iOS 10.3 was asked for my Apple ID - which I typed in then was asked for another 8 character password - is this replacing my current Apple ID or what? When I went to reopen my iPhone 6 it wanted 6 numbers - I only have 4 numbers to unlock my phone - what should I have done? I turned the 2 authentication off for now - please advise. Thanks for the video.

    8 years ago

    Marylou: Hard to say without knowing exactly what was asked for. You have a password for your Apple ID and a "passcode" to unlock your phone (6-digit number by default). But you can also set your passcode to a 4-digit code or a longer passcode with numbers and letters. Did you enter your old 4-digit code? Try the new one? It is hard for me to help over comments like this. I recommend firsthand help at the Genius Bar or over the phone with Apple if you can't figure it out from this.

    Steve Wilson
    8 years ago

    I just did the update and I have never been more frustrated with Apple in my lifetime! The update occurred and required me to enter my security chain password... who knows what that is so I went in a circular motion with Apple forcing me to reset my iCloud password, on and on. I've never hated Apple more than I do right now.

    8 years ago

    Steve: Do you mean your iCloud Keychain security code? Sounds like you set that but forgot what it was. You can read more about it here and maybe it will help:
    But otherwise, don't get frustrated. Go to the Genius Bar for help.

    8 years ago

    Apple sucks, new apple id created in iPads under IOS 10.3.1 is set at two factor by default and cannot be edited

    8 years ago

    lawrence: You can always go to and change how you have it set up. Apple. Google, Facebook and others want us all to change to tow-factor because it is so much more secure.

    8 years ago

    Gary Rosenzweig, you got get an IOS 10.3 device create an apple id and see whether you can edit the imposed TFA, I have two device stuck with the TFA not disabled.

    8 years ago

    Lawrence: I go to, go to security, click the Edit next to two-factor and get a link there to turn it off. Of course, I don't want to turn it off since it is much better to have it on, but it is there.

    8 years ago

    Yes Gary it is there in the apple site, but the 'ON' is in black not blue if the signed in apple id is one created under IOS 10.3+.

    8 years ago

    lawrence: Yes. It should be black. But look to the right. All the way to the right in the Security section. There is an Edit link. Click that.

    8 years ago

    go click the edit and no edit available for TFA

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