MacMost Now 52: Opening Windows Mail Attachments

Gary Rosenzweig shows you how to open those annoying attachment files that Windows users send to Mac users, not thinking that we may not own proprietary software like Microsoft Office or Outlook.

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Comments: 5 Responses to “MacMost Now 52: Opening Windows Mail Attachments”

    17 years ago

    Got an email from a viewer about another way to open up winmail.dat files: a program called OMIC:

    Marcello Drumond
    14 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    I want to congratulate you for your website. Helps me alot. I've learned alot from you on the imovie movies that you make.
    My problem:
    In my job and company 90% of it is sending pictures to my clients(which I do all day long). After I changed to MAC(apple), Every time I use Mail from mac and I attach pictures and send them to my clients(wich most of them are pc users), they open the email and complaint that the pictures are not attached and its on the body of the email, and they cant download it or zoom in the picture.
    I've already tried putting: "anexing windows friendly" but it doesnt work.
    When i go on my gmail using the safari web browser , and send an email they receive the picture perfectly attached.
    But i want to be able to use MAIL for mac! Help please!

    Thank you

      14 years ago

      What steps are you using to email the photos, exactly? Are you dragging and dropping them into messages? Using File, Attach Files? If so, then what are you setting the image size to (look at the bottom right corner of the message composition window).

    Marcello Drumond
    14 years ago

    Hi Gary,
    I've draged them in the email with the image size large and small.
    I've pressed attached and selected the file, and selected large and small files.
    And nothing seem to work.
    Thank you for your time


      14 years ago

      Hard to say what might be going on. If they can see the image, then they have it. Might be a problem on their end why they are not able to download it. Maybe investigate what they are using on their end.

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