Setting a Sleep Timer On Your iPhone

If you want music to automatically stop playing after a period of time, there is a sleep timer on the iPhone. But you won't find it in the Music app or in the Settings. Instead, you'll need to know where to look in the Clock app.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Setting a Sleep Timer On Your iPhone”

    Paul Reber
    10 years ago

    Gary this is a great tip! You really provide a super service. Thanks Much


    Jim Anderson
    10 years ago

    Along same lines, how 'bout article on using music as alarm?

    10 years ago

    Gary, thank you! Great information - had no idea this function was available.

    Jenifer Nech
    10 years ago

    Wow, as usual you have the greatest tips!

    10 years ago

    Gary...I always learn something new from you. Great tip. Note, that this also works for streaming video / TV / movies.

    10 years ago

    Wow. I never new this even existed. Not that I want to use it... I prefer using an app that plays the sound of crickets with a built in timer, but still.. this is good to know. Maybe useful for something other than going to sleep.

    10 years ago

    Great tip; thanks, Gary. I had no idea this was available. You're so clever :)


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