Check out the rest of the videos in this special course: The Practical Guide To Mac Security.
Each individual using a Mac should have their own user account. Keeping separate user accounts is critical for data security.
Check out the rest of the videos in this special course: The Practical Guide To Mac Security.
If my husband and I have two user accounts, how do we share a password with our mortgage account for example.
Nanci: You would just both have the same ID and password stored in your own password managers. If you Control+click on a password in Safari you'll see you can even share the password with someone via AirDrop to avoid having to type it.
My spouse is using my Mac at times under my Admin Login account. She has saved files to the documents folder and desktop. If I create a seperate standard account for her, how do I move her files and folder out of the documents folder and the desktop.
Danny: Use the Shared folder for that. Go to the computer level, then down to Users and then into Shared. You can put those files in a folder in there and then access them from the new account to move them over.
Gary, will a vpn router help my Mac security? If yes should I get one that connects to my Wi-Fi router so my isp can’t track me?
John: A VPN "router?" As in getting a router (actual hardware) that allows you to run your whole Internet connection through a VPN. I suppose it would do what you want. Never used one. Typically you use a VPN (software on your device) to protect yourself against malicious WI-Fi networks while traveling or using untrusted networks. And then usually you trust your own network. How do you think your own ISP is tracking you? For what purpose? Why is this a concern?