Using Terminal Commands As An Alternative To The Mac Finder

If you prefer to type instead of using the mouse and cursor you can manage your files and folders with the Terminal. You can use commands to list, open, rename, move and delete files. You can do nearly everything that you can do in the Finder, and some commands are even more powerful.

Comments: 3 Responses to “Using Terminal Commands As An Alternative To The Mac Finder”

    5 years ago

    Is there a way to use Terminal to create a list of WiFi AP's that I want the OS permanently ignore? In other words a blacklist of all my neighbor's WiFi's.

    5 years ago

    larry: Just turn off "Ask to Join Networks" in System Preferences, Network. Then it will ignore all networks but you can manually join the ones you want and it will remember them.

    John Carter
    5 years ago

    This reminds of when I was teaching new hires how to do Unix system administration.
    “There are 12 Unix commands that you need to remember ... “ and so on.

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