MacMost Now 831: Widow and Orphan Lines In Pages

You can tell Pages to prevent single lines from appearing at the top and bottom of pages. You can also keep entire paragraphs together on a page, or with other paragraphs. You can even force a paragraph to start on a new page. These options can all be found in the Text Inspector under the More category.

Comments: One Response to “MacMost Now 831: Widow and Orphan Lines In Pages”

    11 years ago

    Hi Gary.
    I don't use Pages that often but I decided to buy your 'My Pages' book on my iPad, as a way of supporting you and all you do for us. It's great to be able to have your book open on the iPad whilst working on a Pages document on my Mac. The Widow and Orphans issue has always annoyed me, I had no idea there was a way round the problem. Your instructions are very easy to follow as always - thanks again. Al

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