10 Different Ways To Move Files On a Mac

There are more ways to move files on your Mac than just simply dragging them from one Finder window to another. You can also use a variety of shortcuts to get to the destination folder while dragging, use copy, and even create an Automator Quick Action.

Comments: 9 Responses to “10 Different Ways To Move Files On a Mac”

    Gregory M.
    5 years ago

    Thank you Gary! I have been a spring-loader for years (didn't even know it was called that until today) and never knew about the space bar or delay settings in Accessibility. You have the most useful and practical Mac tutorials on the web. Keep up the great work!

    5 years ago

    Another great video. It continues to amaze me that you figure this stuff out (I assume by poking around) and then share it with the world. Thanks
    I said "...by poking around" because I assume Apple does not describe these features in their help documentation or do they?

    Lali Raj
    5 years ago

    Thanks Gary, Very useful video. It helps me Quite a bit. Keeps it coming. Once again thanks.

    5 years ago

    Brilliant Gary, i have been looking for those sort of file movements for age. Really useful

    5 years ago

    This video helped me remove the pesky mouse left-right gesture in Contacts app. I saw the Mouse Options button in the Pointer window and clicked on it. Turned off Scrolling - problem solved. Sometimes the right-left pointer gesture keeps trying to delete a Contacts card. I would really rather use the scroll bars anyway.
    About Copy/Paste that I really like is that when I copy/paste something the word "File" in Toolbar flashes. Hope they never remove this feature.

    MIchelle J Walker
    5 years ago

    I am working from home so doing more on my Mac. This right here is the most useful thing I have ever learned. Excuse me while I go sign up for Patreon in deepest gratitude.

    5 years ago

    Thanks Michelle!

    Michael Vickers
    4 years ago

    Thanks Gary, so many things I didn't know I could do!

    4 years ago

    One of the most useful tutorials I've ever seen! What a game changer for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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