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How Do I Find and Change a Font Type In Pages or Keynote?

I’m using the last version of the software, I keep receiving this message when opening a certain document: “The font calibri is missing. Your text my look different”. I can check the “Don’t warn me when I open this presentation” box, but I want to get rid of that font type (calibri in this instance) and replace it with another font the system can handle. I can’t FIND the font calibri in that presentation (or Pages doc) so as to REPLACE it. Any thoughts?
Juan Carlos

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Find and Change a Font Type In Pages or Keynote?”

    8 years ago

    There's no easy way to do it. And it could be that you are simply not using that font anywhere in the document, but it is assigned to a Style that you are not using.
    I don't know how big your document is, but I would check around as much as you can for this font. Then maybe look at each Style as well. One way to do this is to add a new paragraph to the end of the document, then assign each style to it, one by one. Then also select all of the text and try the Character Styles on it.

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