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How Do I Turn Off Unrequested Songs On My Apple Music Playlists?

When finishing listening to a playlist on my Apple music, songs are automatically added that are not on that playlist and it appears that apple is trying to choose a song that I might like. So far, they have failed. Can someone please tell me how to turn off that very annoying “add a song” to a finished playlist?

I am experiencing apple music add unrequested music to my playlists after the last song on the playlist has finished. I want it turned OFF. Why? Because it is annoying and their choices, well, suck.
Tom Golden

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Turn Off Unrequested Songs On My Apple Music Playlists?”

    1 month ago

    It is called Autoplay. It was added recently.

    To turn it off, start a playlist. Click the Up Next icon (three lines with three dots) in the upper right of the Now Playing window. Make sure Playing Next is selected at the top. Click the Autoplay (infinity symbol) icon to turn it off. It should remember this and remain off for next time.

    I've actually found it to be a useful feature. When listening to a playlist while walking, if the playlist ends a few minutes before I get home, I don't have to worry about finding something else to start. A few times I have created a playlist with a few songs to create a mood, and then have let it continue to see what comes up. If something plays I don't like, it is easy to skip to the next song.

    Tom Golden
    1 month ago

    Success! It worked. Great directions. Thank you Gary.

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