An Early Look At Messages For iOS 10

The new Messages app in iOS 10 adds a ton of new features that should be fun to use. You can animate text bubbles in a number of ways. You can also send full-screen animations. You can send animated drawings and videos. You can attach stickers from developer-supplied packs. There is an easy way to send a quick response to a text and you can also insert emoji without searching for them.

Comments: 9 Responses to “An Early Look At Messages For iOS 10”

    9 years ago

    How sad that a formerly innovative company like Apple could be reduced to silly product like this. No wonder the stock is down a quarter of their past value.

    9 years ago

    Paul: Most of this is just fun. What's wrong with fun? I can see using sketching to convey ideas to people over messages too. Or emotion. Not everything has to be so serious -- especially when it comes to communicating with other human beings, which is what the Messages app is for.

    9 years ago

    Love new images ideas/emotions! Great presentation in advance of what to learn about New Messages for IOS 10.

    9 years ago

    Paul, no one is forcing you to use the new features, so leave it for the kids. Besides, goofy, fun things often lead to extremely useful and cutting edge advances. Drones used to be a kids toy helicopter. The last 25 years of tech is way beyond what was even dreamed about 25 years ago. It's just a phone; even though new uses are still being found, how much more can you expect? It's pretty much replaced everything in your office (except the space).

    Jeff Widen
    9 years ago

    Can't wait for the fun. I'm 75 y/o. There's always time to play...and communicate with fun. My Grandkids are whizzes and we message all the time. Can't wait to see what they'll create. For that matter, to see what my wife and I create!

    Gordon Brown
    9 years ago

    Fun is fine , I'm still having trouble sending ordinary texts since iOS 9.3.2 update.

    9 years ago

    Gordon: Have you tried contacting Apple support? Visiting the Genius Bar? Or, if it is an SMS issue, contacting the support for your provider?

    9 years ago

    When will this app be available?

    9 years ago

    Ernie: It is part of iOS 10. Apple hasn't announced a release date for iOS 10, but history tells us that it will most likely be in September or October.

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