MacMost: Archives

Using the macOS Finder Preview Pane
The Preview pane gives you so much more than just a simple preview. You can view lots of information about a file, and even change things like the file name and tags. You can customize what is shown in the Preview Pane for each file type.
Navigating Around In the Finder On a Mac
There are many ways to navigate from folder to folder in the Finder on your Mac. You can go down into folders, up to the enclosing folder, and sideways to adjacent folders. There are many ways to do each, depending on which Finder View you are currently using.
Mac Basics: Using Siri
Siri can be a good tool to help you increase your productivity if you give it a chance. You can ask for information, search the web, get to files, folders and settings. You can also use it to schedule events, add reminders, send messages and emails. You can use Siri completely silently if you set it up right.
10 Tips and Tricks For Taking Screenshots On Your Mac
Here are some tips if you are ready to move beyond taking simple screenshots. You can have screenshots go directly into apps or save to a location of your choice, change the image type to get smaller files, and streamline the process with hidden keyboard shortcuts.
The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference will once again be held remotely. Apple announced this year’s dates as June 7 to 11. Anyone will be able to attend at no cost, as opposed to the paid limited in-person attendance in WWDC in 2019 and before.
Mac Basics: Status Menus

The Status Menus are the icons you see in the top right corner of your Mac's screen. They give you control over various settings and special functions. You can arrange, add or remove them as you like.

Creating Slideshows With Multiple Concurrent Transitions

By default each photo placed on a Keynote slide will transition in one at a time. But you can have those builds overlap so the items appear at the same time or as each is moving. This can make slideshows look more modern and professional.

What To Do When You Get a New Mac

When you get a new Mac, you'll be walked through some steps in Setup Assisant. After that, there will be a few thing you want to check and set up before you start using your Mac.

How To Manage iCloud Storage On a Mac

Here's how to see how much iCloud storage space you are using for files, photos, online backups and more. You'll find out how to clear out some space if you need it. You'll also learn how to purchase more storage, and even how to not have to pay every month.

Which Mac Apps Do I Use?

I'm often asked which Mac apps I use. I create tutorials, build apps, develop websites and use my Macs for all the same things most Mac users do. Here are the more than 40 apps I use every week to get my work done.

13 Major Mac Keyboard Shortcuts You Probably Aren't Using

While most Mac users are familiar with some keyboard shortcuts, there are some simple two-key shortcuts that many do not use that are useful in apps like Safari, the Finder and text editors. Improve your productivity today by learning some new ones.

Mac Basics: Using Launchpad

Launchpad is a way to launch any app on your Mac. You can access it with your mouse or trackpad, but also using just the keyboard. You also use Launchpad to uninstall most apps.

Is There a Paint App On The Mac?

Remember when Macs came with a basic Paint app? There hasn't been a default app like that for a long while, but you can use Preview and Photos for most things. If you want to be able to draw with pixels, however, you'll need a graphics app. Here are some suggestions, including one that is free and easy to use.

Mac Basics: Mission Control

Learn how to use Mission Control on your Mac to have multiple Desktops, also called Spaces, that make it seem like you have more than one display.

10 Things You May Not Know You Can Do In Mac Maps

Check out some features of the Maps app on your Mac that you may not know about.

Mac Basics: Searching For Files

Learn how to search for files in the Finder. You can simply search for words in the names or contents of files, or perform more complex searches in specific locations and for dates, file types and other criteria. Lots of advanced tips too.

10 Mac Settings To Make Your Mac More Secure

Here are some settings you may want to check out if you are concerned about security on your Mac. Not all of these are necessary, but you may want to consider them.

How To Maintain Your Downloads Folder On a Mac

Your Downloads folder is the default location for browser file downloads. Learn how this relates to the Downloads folder in the Dock and the Download icon in Safari. If you don't maintain your Downloads folder it will eventually become filled with files taking up lots of space on your drive.

Mac Basics: Using Spotlight Search

With a quick keyboard shortcut you can bring up Spotlight Search and look for files, launch applications, get various kinds of information. People use Spotlight Search in a variety of different ways.

Sharing Photos Online From Your Mac

You can share photos online using the Photos app on your Mac and iCloud. Others can view it on a public website on in their Photos app. You can also make the album private and allow others to add photos and comments to the album.