MacMost Now 792: Deleting Photos From iPhoto

If you wish to delete photos from iPhoto, you must first understand the difference between events and albums. However, you can still use Albums to delete photos if you know how. You can also use flagging to select photos to delete. There are several ways to review your photos before you delete them, and you can also archive photos as files before removing them from your iPhoto library.

Comments: 17 Responses to “MacMost Now 792: Deleting Photos From iPhoto”

    12 years ago

    Instead of creating a new event from the selected photos, then deleting the event, just select the photos and hit option-cmd-backspace.

    12 years ago

    If deleting from iPhotos will it delete same picture from aperture?

      12 years ago

      You're using both and storing the same photos in both locations? Not sure what would happen -- I thought they were separate libraries. But easy enough to test. Try deleting one and see what happens.

    marsha avery
    12 years ago

    This was a great video for IPhoto. Would like more on its use. However, I now use gmail and gmail contacts won't sync so I need to use address book. Are there videos on the use of address book and similarly the use of mail? If os, great, please tell me where they are. If not, would you please do some. Thanks.

      12 years ago

      Use the search box at the top to search for more tutorials. There are almost 800 now, so I cover a lot of topics.

    Peter Melia
    12 years ago

    Hi Gary, a photo question. I have transferred some black & white negatives into iPhoto but they remain negative. Is there any way of reversing negatives into positives?

      12 years ago

      Usually that is done in the software you are using to scan the negatives. I'm not sure simply inverting the image will do it right. But you can invert an image in most image editing software, but I don't think you can do it in iPhoto.

    Vicky Brown
    12 years ago

    Is there an easy way to delete duplicate photos? Is there a program that will recognize duplicates?

      12 years ago

      There probably are. I highly recommend against using any automatic process for that, though. If you have a duplicate, how would a program know which one to keep and which to delete? This is a task better done manually. Even if it takes 30 minutes or an hour. It isn't worth a single mistake considering how precious photos can be.
      Just use the Photos view and sort by date. Any duplicates should be next to each other. Should be quick and easy to do it, even if you have thousands of photos.

    12 years ago

    Wasn't aware of the "flagged" feature, good one!

    You mentioned "photos" under "events" briefly. Is a photo like an event when deleting and why use the "photo" compared to "events"?

      12 years ago

      Events list all the events as a single thumbnail for each, and then you can dig down into one event at a time. Photos give you a scrolling list of all photos organized by event (or not). Try each and compare for yourself.

    12 years ago

    Thanks! Trying to delete multiple photos had been driving me crazy. Cleared a lot things up

    11 years ago

    I have a gazillion photos on my iPad. I can easily delete the newer ones by putting them in the trash. However, I cannot get that trash can to show up on the older photos. Can you please give me a tip?

    11 years ago

    Gary... I have had a problem I can't solve and I doubt if I am the only one who has this problem. I just discovered it. When I put photos from events into trash, and empty trash... sometimes my photos are truely deleted (from the masters file). Sometimes 20 of say 40 pics are deleted. It is very random. Have you ever heard of anything like this? You think you are deleting your photos you don't want, and not all of them are making to system trash.

      11 years ago

      So in what way are some of them NOT deleted? At they just still in the trash? If so, what happens when you empty it again?

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