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How To Import .OLM File Into Address Book

I am wanting to get my iCloud services up and running and want to import my contact in Microsoft Outlook Mac 2011 .OLM file into Apple Address Book so I can start getting them synced. I can not import my .olm file into Address Book. Am I doing something wrong or am I going about this wrong? Thanks
Mark Worthington

Comments: 6 Responses to “How To Import .OLM File Into Address Book”

    13 years ago

    So OLM is the standard outlook format for contacts? I guess if you can't import it into Address Book, then you've got to find another way. Can you export from Outlook? I'd imagine you can export from Outlook in a variety of standard formats that you can then import into Address Book. Try that.

      Diane Ross
      13 years ago

      Open Outlook Prefs under Outlook in the Menu bar.
      Open Sync Services
      Check sync to Apple Address Book

      I suggest you export just contacts as .olm file first. Outlook "merges" when it syncs. I've seen data deleted or duplicated when synced. As long as you have the backup it's easy to import back into Outlook.

    Justin Ross
    13 years ago

    ...doesn't Mac 2011 have a Sync option with Address Book? Thought I remember this to be fairly simple when using Outlook previously.

    13 years ago

    Thanks Diana!! it worked

    13 years ago

    But what if I want to import just SOME of my contacts from Outlook for Mac into Address Book? How do I do that? I can export them into a olm file, but not sure what to do after that...

      13 years ago

      Can you export just those contacts from Outlook? Or, maybe just import them all and then delete the ones you don't want. Or, delete them in Outlook first, and then export and import.

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