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How Do I Access Photos In Pages?

Using Pages V7.1 and Photos v 7.04

How do you access photos to place in a pages document? I am using a template that had a couple of photos in it. When I click on the photo to change the image I get a box saying no photos chosen. I kind of thought that there would be a link between Pages and Photos and you would simply select the photo in Photos.

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do I Access Photos In Pages?”

    7 years ago

    There are several ways. Instead of clicking on the photo in general, look for the little icon at the bottom right corner of the image area. It looks like a photo icon with a circle around it. Click on that and you should get a small window with a photo browser that shows you your Photos collection. Choose a photo to insert in that placeholder.

    You can also click on the Format sidebar button, then Image, and then you'll see a Replace (or maybe it is Insert if no image is present) button that you can click.

    You can also drag and drop on to the image placeholder. You can drag a file from the Finder, or an image from the Photos app.

    Also, Control+click on the image placeholder will give you an option in the context menu.

    Bob Riley
    7 years ago

    Do you have a video explaining how to place a photo (from Photos) into a Pages document? I drag the photo into the document and all the text moves before and after the photo. I'd like to place it to the side of some text as you have in this demo. Thanks.

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