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How Do I Convert a docx File To a CSV file?

I’m trying to make a cvs file for a CRM program, but all I have is a docx file to work with, will I have to download an app to make this work? Or is there a way to just use the apps that came with my iMac?

Comments: 4 Responses to “How Do I Convert a docx File To a CSV file?”

    5 years ago

    Is the text inside the document already formatted as CSV (comma-separated variables)? A CSV file is just a plain text file with rows of data on each line, each piece of data separated by a comma.

    If so, then just open up the Word document in TextEdit. Then switch to Plain Text by going to Format, Make Plain Text, and then save the file out with a new name and the .csv extension.

    5 years ago

    No, it didn't work, it is a .docx file and what I need is either a .csv file or a .xls or .xlsx file. The CRM I'm importing to will only take those types, and I was trying not to have to buy an app just for one file.

    5 years ago

    Janice: So what you need is an Excel (.xlsx) file, not a CSV file. OK. That is weird to get a .docx file that is supposed to be a .xlsx file. They are two different things. It is like getting video that is support to be an image. I'd go back to the source of the file and inquire about what is going on here.
    Can you see the data if you open it in Pages? If so, can you copy it and paste it into a Numbers document? If you can do that, you can export from Numbers as Excel. But all of those translations may make it something that your software can't understand (columns not right, etc). I'd go back to the originator of the file and figure this out.

    5 years ago

    OMG! It worked!!!! Woo Hoo, yes I'll have to do a little fix but sure a lot easier than entering the whole list, THANK YOU

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