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How Do I Stop My Old Browser From Opening When My New Browser Is Set To Default?

I have installed a replacement browser because I don’t like Safari. When I was using Safari, I told certain sites to notify me. When I click on the banners and/or alerts, Safari opens DESPITE THAT I’VE MADE THE NEW BROWSER THE DEFAULT BROWSER and despite that the new browser is already open. Question: How do I stop Safari from opening when I click on my banners and alerts? Reminder: The new browser is set as the default browser. Please don’t tell me all the good things about Safari and that I should be using it. I would just greatly appreciate an answer to my question. Thank you.

I don’t think it’s right that two browsers are open simultaneously. Waiting for Safari to open while Firefox is already open is a waste of my time.

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do I Stop My Old Browser From Opening When My New Browser Is Set To Default?”

    3 years ago

    If you are getting notifications from Safari, and you click on those notifications, it will open Safari. This has nothing to do with your default browser. The notification is FROM Safari, so naturally that is the app that would open.

    Simply turn off those notifications. Go into Safari, Preferences, Websites. Select Notifications on the left. Then go down the list and change the settings for the sites sending your notifications. Or remove them from the list.

    3 years ago

    This 'solution' prevented my email from working, and when I closed my Firefox browser, it opened to the last site I visited. I had no choice but to Allow everything in Safari again. I still have no solution.

    3 years ago

    Gail: There's no connection between website notification preferences and the Mail app or how Firefox works. Are you sure you only changed the individual notification settings inside Safari? Make sure you follow the instructions carefully:

    Go into Safari, Preferences, Websites. Select Notifications on the left. Then go down the list and change the settings for the sites sending your notifications. Or remove them from the list.

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