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Iphone won’t delete apps! help!

Ive had this iphone 4 for a while now. and this has never done this to me. i go to delete apps by holding down the app and usually an “X” shows up and i am able to delete it. lately i have not gotten an X. All the apps shake but it is not letting me do anything but move them around and put them in folders. My phone is not jail broken. i dont know whats going on i need help!!!

Comments: 27 Responses to “Iphone won’t delete apps! help!”

    14 years ago

    Which apps are you trying to delete? Keep in mind that the default apps -- the ones that come pre-installed on your iPhone -- cannot be deleted. Only apps that you install from the App Store can be deleted. It is common to have your first screen of apps be all default apps, thus you would never see any "X" buttons on that screen.

      14 years ago

      My boyfriend phone is doin this also... The apps wont show up on itunes and there apps like facebook we kno u cant delete mail youtube or camera...ect... I press it down they shake theres no x anymore

        14 years ago

        My I phone4 is doing the same thing however they are not apps. They were pages that I had saved to my home screen and the X is not popping up to delete.

    Jan bergantz
    14 years ago

    Tried to update navgps but got stuck &won't do anything now. Can't uninstall &
    Won't load!!!

      14 years ago

      Have you tried the basics: Restart your iPhone? Sync with your Mac/PC? Disconnect and reconnect to wifi?

        14 years ago

        I tried all mentioned above, and I'm not connected to wifi...

    14 years ago

    I am having the same problem, tried to restart, sync, nothing is working... anyone have a fix yet ? Trying to delete FB cause it's crashing too much, "x" doesn't pop up !

      14 years ago

      Have you tried to delete it using iTunes while synced?

    14 years ago

    I'm having the same problem, even when I'm connected to the comp and try to uncheck items when the sync is done the apps are still there

    Joe NOVA
    13 years ago

    This is very frustrating! Same as the others, my apps will shake but won't delete. They also don't show up in itunes.

    13 years ago

    Check to see if you have restrictions on Deleting apps :)

      13 years ago

      Yes thank you this works if u can't get ur apps to delete and they shake but don't have a x go to settings and disable your restrictions

        13 years ago

        Thanks man Almost got a Samsung !!!!

        12 years ago

        Awesome... Worked! Now the questions is... How did restrictions get enabled?

      13 years ago


      13 years ago

      THANK YOU!!

      12 years ago

      thank you verry much bro ur awesome good thinking u helped me alot

    13 years ago

    go on settings and put on deleing apps

    Sara j
    13 years ago

    Had the same problem...forgot that I had changed the app delete restriction. Go to settings;general;restrictions and deleting iPhone aps

      W Lewis
      12 years ago

      Thanks so much...this was the problem.

    13 years ago

    I have the same problem too! When I delete the app, it will delete the app, the the box for the app is still there. And if I try to touch it it won't let me!

    13 years ago

    my iphone 4 is not letting me delete the apps. unlike the other comments mine does show the X botton but it freezes up everytime i click on it to delete it. i tried reseting the phone, turning off, and nothing. also when i sync it to itunes and i click on apps they come out see through but wont let me delete it

    13 years ago

    I have the same problem and then remembered that I had turned in the restrictions.. Go to settings, general, restrictions, and make sure that installing and deleting apps is turned off. Simple fix for mine. Hope it helps

    13 years ago

    Hey guys! My problem is the same Jenny, i tried Stacey's method but still can't uninstall the apps. This is freaking me out!

    13 years ago

    My iphone 4 will not delete any app just shake no X even after I have turned all restrictions off.. Now my memory is saying it's full and won't receive or send txts or even let me delete emails or txts.. Tried every forum nothing to help so far. Worst phone I have had never had half as many problem with 3GS

      13 years ago

      Keep in mind that you cannot delete default apps. So if you happen to be looking at a home screen with only default apps (Mail, Messages, Weather, etc) then there will be no X's. Maybe that is what you are seeing.
      Try syncing with your Mac/PC to see what might be taking up space. Probably either lots of music, or maybe you have filled it with pictures and video.

    12 years ago

    I just reset my network settings and everything works fine now. Problem was really frustrating though.

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