MacMost: Question and Answer Forum

The MacMost Question and Answer Forum is a place where you can ask how-to questions about your Mac, iPhone, iPad and other Apple products. MacMost specializes in tutorials, tips and techniques of the “how-to” variety, as opposed to “fix-it” questions that are more about something not working as expected.

Have a how-to question? Ask it here in the MacMost Forum.
Have a fix-it question? Here is where you can get some help.

It would be great to know how this all works! Create an new event in iCal, invite people to a meeting, appears in iPhone but cannot be altered and I am not sure how it works in MobileMe. — Steven Law ... (3 Comments)
Why doesn’t the Nehalem motherboard architecture have a southbridge chip? and when will PhotoShop CS4 recognize 8 gigs of RAM? — Bob O’Lary ... (1 Comment)
Is this possible? I know that you can change the size of the sidebar itself quite easily, but I’ve not found anyway to make the font larger. — Alex Quin ... (4 Comments)
We’re trying out a new way to let you ask questions. This way, when someone asks a question, the whole community can benefit from the answer and/or discussion. — Gary Rosenzweig ...