10 Quick and Easy iPhone Shortcuts

iPhone Shortcuts don't have to be long and complicated. Here are 10 one or two-action shortcuts that are easy to build and very useful. Also learn a good way to launch these from your Home screen.

Comments: 16 Responses to “10 Quick and Easy iPhone Shortcuts”

    Don J J Carroll
    4 years ago

    Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 6:47 p.m. - Hi again Gary! How can I set up Siri to send e-mail to myself with subject line saying "Check This out" and then Siri ask what I want to say. I have tried to do this but Siri gets the e-mail wrong. I just looked at your Shortcuts video 12/28/20 and created a e-mail to myself shortcut but now I want Siri to ask what I want to say. Don't know how to get this last part done.

    4 years ago

    Don: That sort of thing doesn't work very well, but if you use Ask For Input then it will prompt you for text. If the shortcut was triggered using Siri, it will default to voice input. But it is awkward to use. Maybe instead of that, just ask Siri to set a reminder. That works better.

    Victor Warner
    4 years ago

    Thank you for the video - inspired me to try Shortcuts. I have added the "3. Take a Photo" and followed your instructions exactly. Every time I run the shortcut from the home screen I get the following message: "This action could not be run with the current user interface." and then tap Show or OK. I can run the shortcut from the Shortcuts app without issue. An internet search for a fix does not really reveal a solution. I would be grateful if you know what is the issue.

    4 years ago

    Victor: I see what you mean. Not sure if that is a bug in the current iOS or what. I was able to get it to work by asking the Switch to Shortcuts App action first, then a Wait for 1 second action, then the two actions to take a photo and save it to Recents.

    Victor Warner
    4 years ago

    Thank you Gary. In case of interest: adding "Continue in Shortcuts app" and then Wait for 1 second action does make the Shortcut work from the Home Screen. But after the shortcut is run you are left with the Shortcuts app open, not returned to the Home Screen. From the Automators forum a possible solution: download and add a Shortcut (SpringBoard), then add it as the final step (Run Shortcut SpringBoard) to Take a Photo shortcut. https://talk.automators.fm/t/action-to-return-to-homescreen/2444

    4 years ago

    Victor: I'm not a fan of that solution. Seems like a hack that won't work at some point. Maybe just have the shortcut Open App with the Photos app when done.

    Thim Fook, Law
    4 years ago

    Hi Gary. Once again, TQVM for your video tutorials. I have one quick question. Say I've created a Playlist in Music (in iMac, but also synced to iPad & iPhone). Is it possible to create a Shortcut to have Siri read out the Title of the Songs BEFORE playing the songs in the Playlist?

    Much thanks in advance.


    4 years ago

    Thim: I can't think of a way off the top of my head. But experiment and see.

    Don J J Carroll
    4 years ago

    Thursday, December 31, 2020, 5:53 p.m. Gary thanks for the reply above. I guess I will try to get Siri app alone to do what I want, thought I could save a few talking steps if the Shortcut worked. Thanks for all your help over the past years, much appreciated. Here's wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year from an East Coast Canadian! Take care Gary.

    4 years ago

    Hi Gary, can I set up shortcut for more than one contact under calls?

    4 years ago

    Frederick: Create as many as you like.

    4 years ago

    Hi Gary, Now I can't even do the Take a Picture shortcut without the Save to Recents. I now get the same message as above: "This action could not be run with the current user interface." Then choose Show or OK. I think you are right, there is a bug in the iOS 14.3, because I am using the shortcut Already in the Shortcuts app, adding nothing and it just doesn't work. BTW, Thanks for this Shortcuts video, I did set up a Call shortcut but haven't tried it yet.

    3 years ago

    Can you explain how to get 2 widgets with 8 shortcuts each in the slide-right gesture feature? All my app icons are in folders in the Dock to keep my Wallpaper picture clear. Thank You

    3 years ago

    Robert: Not quite sure what you mean. Slide-right gesture? Where, exactly? Maybe you mean the Shortcuts Home Screen widget? Edit your Home Screen, add a widget, choose Shortcuts and select the largest widget.

    John Scheeler
    3 years ago

    Great video, I'm looking to see you know if you can make a shortcut that turns on or off something in another app? Example. I have a lighting control app that I want to turn on my lights. I want to have them all come on when I get a text from my alarm system? Is this something that can be done?

    3 years ago

    John: The app developer would need to build in Shortcut "actions" that appear in the Shortcuts app for that to happen. Tell them you want that functionality.

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