MacMost Now 337: Strong Online Passwords

Do you use a dictionary word, date or common password for your online accounts? Then it is only a matter of time before your accounts are compromised. Learn how to use strong passwords for your online accounts to protect yourself. You can use the Mac OS X Password Assistant to create random letter and number combinations. Read more about online password security at

Comments: 9 Responses to “MacMost Now 337: Strong Online Passwords”

    15 years ago

    Always a great subject to cover. And thanks for the heads-up on the random password generator built into OS X; never heard of it before.

    15 years ago

    I created what I consider a strong password. It had Capital and lower case, plus numbers in the password.
    I also had my account with PayPal, which is why the person who did it got caught so fast. (I don't know why that is but I'm glad.)
    I got breached anyway. I'd hate to see what it would have been like if I hadn't used PayPal.
    I still don't understand how they even got my SSN, since I never put it anywhere in the account. PayPal has no slot for SSN. You use your bank card or credit instead. I don't think I even put my SSN on that. These days, I refuse to give my SSN to anything online. PayPal doesn't ask and nobody else will get it from me.
    I wonder what type of trouble the person they caught is going to get into. I can't wait to see.

      15 years ago

      If you had a strong password, then they probably didn't get it from a dictionary attack. Instead, they may have gotten it from phishing, or maybe you logged in on a public WiFi or a public computer. They could have also used your "secret question" answers in Paypal to get it.

      15 years ago

      Oh, and Social Security numbers are relatively easy to get. Any private eye can get someone's ss# for a small fee. I'm sure other can do it easily too. Not sure of the methods, I just know your SS# is not secure.

    15 years ago

    I forgot to say thank you for doing this video while I was busy thinking of my recent mishap.
    I used a name but not one you'd find in a book of names. But it WAS a name. I'm not using it now, so I have no concern saying it.
    I'm going to do what you said. That's why I'm thanking you.

    15 years ago

    Hi,you can try to use LoginTrap.It’s prog can capture every login events by using iSight.It really good tool.

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    13 years ago

    I was on the Gizmondo website,and this guy brought this topic up.
    He said it was bordering on privacy law. When you fill in your private details to join a website. I mentioned your site,that you don`t have to have a password.
    I said you just use your email address,but he wasn`t satisfied with that.
    I have had up to 8 IDs for Apple,and i right them down in a book. The last Apple ID i just dealt with it the other day. I was sick of going backwards and forwards to my email account,and i don`t have a clue when it says these do not match,when i have it written down in a book. This also happen`s i start off on the Apple UK site,and after a while i look down and i find myself on the Apple USA site. This also happens with Adobe.Back to the password topic,you have my email address,and this guy said i would not trust that site. I said why,then he said some computer jargon. I said i trust him fully,but he could not understand why i did not have a password,and i would like to know why just to tell him. I hope you can understand what i am trying to say Gary.

      13 years ago

      I don't understand what you are asking. There is no login for MacMost -- you don't have either a user name or a password. You have no account. There are no accounts. I don't "have" your email address as part of an account.
      Maybe you suggested to him that you have an account and that this account didn't have a password? But that's not true. There is no account, no ID, nothing like that at MacMost.

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    13 years ago

    Yes i know that Gary. I told him i did not have an account,password,username.
    I know there is no account on your site Gary.
    Try telling this guy. He has been on to me again,but i am just ignoring him.

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