Tips for Using the Ventura Print Dialog

When you want to print a document or web page you need to go through the Print Dialog on your Mac. This is where you set all of the options before sending the document to your printer. Learn how to use the new Print Dialog in macOS Ventura along with lots of tips and tricks.

Comments: 22 Responses to “Tips for Using the Ventura Print Dialog”

    Howard Brazee
    2 years ago

    There is a bug in Ventura. My wife has a 24" M1 Mac with display resolution set to the largest type. When she pulls up the print dialog, the bottom line that includes PDF, Cancel, & Print is not on the screen. We can't scroll to that line, but I found out that I can click on the ">" of whatever option is on the bottom. Now that print line becomes accessible.

    2 years ago

    Howard: I show that exact bug and the solution right in this very video.

    Kevin Smith
    2 years ago

    I have tried to configure and save a “Custom Preset” print profile available for my printer (the only one in the house): 2-sided, 96% scaling, but the scaling returns to 100% even after selecting the custom preset. The 2-sided option is properly set to on as configured. I must manually change the scaling each time. Is the scaling not designed to persist in a custom preset? Also, Auto Rotate is checked by default. Is this somehow causing the scaling to change? Thanks.

    2 years ago

    Kevin: Perhaps not? Since document sizes vary, maybe those properties aren't saved since they have more to do with the document than the printer?

    Anders Kempe
    2 years ago

    In Microsoft Windows it is easy to print only the selected area e.g. some text and graphics on a web page. I have not found an easy solution how to do this in MacOS.

    Louis Martin
    2 years ago

    I have a Xerox 6180N colour laser printer which still works great after more than 10 years. On Ventura 13.1 on my new Mac mini M1, there is no specific Xerox printer driver for this model so I use the generic laser printer. I have installed a few Gutenberg drivers but I am not able to get a consistent print dialog box that gives me the option of printing a coloured text in B/W as before. I sometimes get grayscale which is not the same. Any suggestion to get a preset with B/W ? Thanks.

    2 years ago

    Louis: Sorry, I'm not sure what else you could try.

    2 years ago

    I used to be able to print with staples and three hole punch, but now I cannot find it! I've been through every setting in the dialogue box to no avail and this teacher is getting really frustrated. Any suggestions on how to find it again? I use it every day!

    2 years ago

    Tess: That would be something added by the drivers from your printer. So refer to the printer's site/support to get help with that.

    Jen W.
    2 years ago

    Just upgraded to Ventura. When using the "save as PDF" function I now have to enter a name for the PDF. With the previous mac OS Monterey print diaglog it automatically retained the file name of the document. Do you know how I can change this in Ventura to retain the file name?

    2 years ago

    Jen: In which app?

    Jen W.
    2 years ago

    Hi Gary, it's happening with all apps. Word, Excel, Vectorworks (my CAD program). The Cad program is the most problematic. I make PDF's of drawings all the time. Sometimes 50 drawings individually. Hoping to save time by not haivng to retype the file name.

    2 years ago

    Jen: Not sure what you are experiencing. I created a document in Word. I called it test.docx and saved it. Then I went to File, Print. Then I clicked on PDF. The Save dialog that appeared had test.pdf filled in.

    Jen W.
    2 years ago

    OK. Thank you. I was hoping it was a simple setting change. What you described is how it worked before I upgraded to Ventura

    Louis Martin
    2 years ago

    Following my post and your replies on my Xerox colour printer 6180N unrecognized specifically by Ventura, I created a B/W preset on a software that provided B/W printing and applied it to a coloured PDF and it came out anyway in colour. The presets are not recognized on a generic Postscript printer with Ventura ?

    2 years ago

    Print settings are broken in Ventura from all professional photo editors i.e. photoshop, capture one, lightroom affinity etc to all professional photo printers i.e. epson, canon, hp etc. The problem has still not been fixed by macos 13.5.1. Advice is to use windows for serious photography.

    2 years ago

    Dave: What is "the problem" though? You can't just say it is broken and not mention specifics. I can't help if I don't know what I am looking for.

    1 year ago

    Dave, What happened to print by percentage? Thank, Mike

    John B.
    1 year ago

    Hi Gary, my issue is that the print preset settings are not remembered in Ventura. Specifically I am using Acrobat and Word, but this problem persists no matter which program I use. When I set up a preset such as "double-sided, 2 staples, on Heavy 8.5X11." It will print as I specified--but only the first time. If I restart my computer and select that preset again, the double-sided checkbox is no longer selected and it prints on light paper. Even if I fix and re-save preset, the issue persists.

    1 year ago

    John: You'll need to contact Apple Support about that.

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