MacMost: Video Podcast

MacMost Now 238: Adding Cut-Aways In iMovie 09
How to add a cut-away in iMovie 09. You can splice in an image to appear in the middle of a video clip with the audio continuing uninterrupted.
MacMost Now 237: Time Machine For Photos, Email and Contacts
Did you know that you can use Time Machine with iPhoto, Mail and Address Book to recover lost photos, messages and contacts? Time Machine works with these programs in the same way it works with files in the Finder to allow you to recover lost data.
MacMost Now 236: Reintsalling Lost Applications

Find out how to replace applications that you may have accidentally deleted from your Mac.

MacMost Now 234: Upgrading the Memory on Your Mac
Learn how you can update the memory in your Mac. Check out where you can buy memory and how to figure out what type of memory your Mac needs. Then find out where you can get instructions on how to install new memory.
MacMost Now 233: Using Terminal to Copy Files
Sometimes the Finder can fail you when you want to copy lots of files, like an entire CD or DVD. Learn how to use the Terminal to copy whole volumes with better error handling and reporting.
MacMost Now 231: Choosing a Time Machine Backup Drive

If you aren't using Time Machine to back up your Mac, then it is time to start. Here are some options for a Time Machine backup drive.

MacMost Now 230: Customizing the Finder Sidebar
Learn how to use and customize the Finder sidebar. Add common folders and searches, and control which devices are shown.
MacMost Now 229: Address Book Groups
Learn how to use groups in Address Book to easily send email to the same group of friends. Also learn some tricks and about smart groups.
MacMost Now 228: FTP With Cyberduck
Learn how to use basic FTP to upload and download files with the open source Mac FTP program Cyberduck.
MacMost Now 227: Mail Signature Tricks
Learn how to customize your email signature and easily switch between multiple signatures. You can also have Mail choose a random one each time you send a message.
MacMost Now 226: Using iTunes DJ
Learn about the new iTunes DJ playlist and how to control the music from your Mac or iPhone. You can also have friends request or vote on songs they want to hear from their iPhones.
MacMost Now 225: Hot Corners
Learn about Hot Corners and how you can use them to have your cursor trigger actions like starting or disabling your screen saver, putting your display to sleep, or starting Expose or the Dashboard.
MacMost Now 224: Using Mail Rules
Learn how to use Apple Mail's rules to filter your email. You can get alerts when messages arrive, automatically sort mail into folders, and even reply or forward specific messages when they arrive.
MacMost Now 223: Compressing Video with ffmpegX
Learn how to use the shareware program ffmpegX to compress your video while maintaining decent quality. This is useful if you want to send video to your iPod, upload video to the net, send it via email, or archive your camera's video files.
MacMost Now 222: Where Apple Rumors Come From
Take a look at the six sources of Apple rumors. Understanding where Apple rumors originate helps to explain why some rumors are right, and others are very wrong.
MacMost Now 221: Jumpcut
You can supercharge cut, copy and paste on your Mac with the system extension Jumpcut. This free software provides a buffer of multiple clipboards allowing you to recall previous cut and copy contents.
MacMost Now 220: Uploading Photos From iPhoto 09 to Facebook
iPhoto 09 allows you to create albums that sync between iPhoto and your Facebook account. You can add more photos to an album later on, and receive tag information from your Facebook friends back in iPhoto.
MacMost Now 219: iMovie 09 Maps
Take a look at the new maps feature in iMovie 09 that lets you create travel maps and 3D globes to use in your video productions.
MacMost Now 218: Mac Spring Cleaning
Look at a variety of ways to clean out old files and information from different programs like iCal, Address Book, Safari, Mail, iMovie, etc.
MacMost Now 217: iPhone 3.0 New Features
Take a look at the new features announced for the iPhone 3.0 OS and what new abilities for iPhone developers will mean for you in the future.