MacMost: Archives

Apple’s second digital-only developer’s conference will be held from June 7 to 12. It will also again be free to developers, including sessions, forums and one-on-one engineering appointments. Apple will almost certainly detail what the next versions of iOS and macOS will contain, and probably release the first beta versions.
Setting a Custom Alert Sound On a Mac

If you don't want to use one of the macOS default alert sounds, you can use your own sound file instead. You can also set this for your Mail app incoming mail sound.

20 Useful Tips And Tricks For Mac Users

Learn about a variety of Mac tips from usifn the Finder, System Preferences, Safari, working with text and much more.

How To Get the Size Of a Folder On a Mac

The Finder doesn't always display the size of folders, but you can use a variety of methods to get the total size of all files in a folder.

14 Ways To Discover New Artists On Apple Music

If you subscribe to Apple Music, there are many ways for you to discover new songs and artists. You can use one of the curated playlists or charts, check your New Music Mix weekly, listen to radio stations, or even exchange playlists with friends.

GarageBand Audio Editing Basics

GarageBand is a complex app with a lot of functionality, but you can use it just to trim, merge and mix simple audio files. Also learn how to add a fade out and filter before exporting.

Change How Web Pages Look With Safari Custom Style Sheets

Web pages use colors, fonts and other design elements defined in the Style Sheet from that website. In Safari, you can override those styles with your own. With the help of an extension, you can do it on a per-site basis.

10 Ways To Get a File Path On a Mac

If you need to see or copy the full path to a file, there are many ways to do it on a Mac. You can use one of several techniques in the Finder, in the document window, or while searching. You can easily place the path into a document or the Terminal. We'll also look at an Automator Quick Action that will show the path as a notification and copy it.

How To Combine Videos On Your Mac

If you need to merge two or more videos into one file, you don't need to do it in iMovie or another video editing app. You can just use QuickTime Player to quickly create a new video file from the original clips.

Working With Invisible Characters In Mac Pages

When you add a space, tab or a return in Pages, you are inserting an actual character, but one you cannot normally see. By using Show Invisibles in Pages you can see these special characters and edit yoru document with precision.

3 Ways To Customize the Modifier Keys On a Mac

You can change how the Command, Control, Shift, Option and FN keys work on your Mac. If you need, you can remap one to the other. You can also assign special functions to left or right versions of the keys if you only need one. The third-party app Karabiner allows you to remap any key on your keyboard to any other key and some special functions.

10 Ways To Undo On Your Mac

While most Mac users know how to use the basic Undo function while working with text, there are many other ways to use Undo on a Mac. There are also ways to undo or restore things to a previous state that don't use the Undo command at all.

Using Automatic Text Substitutions On a Mac

Automatic text substitutions let you type curly quotes and em dashes without worrying about remember the correct keyboard sequence to use. There are also a variety of other options for URLs, addresses, copy and paste and other things to help you be more productive and consistent when typing.

How To Use Percent In Mac Numbers

When using percentages in Mac Numbers, keep in mind that what you are using are really decimal fractions, and not the whole number shown as a percentage. Use formatting to properly show a value as a percent. Also learn how to use percents for sales tax and other things.

The Mac Preview PDF Markup Tools

Take a look at all fo the markup tools you can use in Mac Preview to annotate PDF documents, including the new redaction tool. You can use these to edit documents, leave notes for yourself, or fill in PDF forms without set form fields.

Using Drag and Drop On the iPad

You can drag and drop on the iPad like you can on a Mac to move files and perform other actions. The trick is to use Split View or Slide Over so you can see the origin and destination at the same time.

5 Free Third-Party Mac Apps Worth Getting

While many apps come with your Mac, and Apple provides others for free, you can also find great third-party apps that don't cost anything. Take a look at five: a video player and converter, an audio editor, an image editor, a text editor and a full office suite.

How To Use Apple's AirTags To Track Your Stuff

The new AirTag from Apple allows you to track items in the Find My app on your iPhone or Mac. You can also locate nearby AirTags with a special feature of the most recent iPhones. A lot of security and privacy features are built in to the AirTags system.

How Many Years Should a New Mac Last?

When you buy a new Mac, how long can you expect it to last before you need a new one? The answer depends on how you use the Mac, your needs and how they change, and a variety of other factors.

How To Grab a Frame From a Video In Mac Photos

If you need to grab a single frame from a video and turn it into a still image or add it to your Photos library, you can do it using a few steps even though a direct function for that doesn't exist in the current Photos app. Here are two methods you can use.